February's Prompt, via random number generator is prompt number 16;
"What are you good at? What is your superpower?"
When I think about what I might be good at, I first thing that comes to mind is art of some sort, like my paintings and sewing. All of those things are things that I am good at, but I owe that to my grandma, who taught me those skills.
If I am claiming that I have a 'super power' I would have to choose something that is something that I posses and maybe didn't learn on purpose. For me, that would be my Empathy ability.
The reason I say this is my superpower? Well, I am really good at it, almost horribly good at being empathetic, to the point where it can be painful to me.
To me a super power is something you're given at birth, and throughout your life you have to learn to control and use responsibly, and I really feel like my empathy is like that. I don't remember being taught how to feel other peoples feelings, or how to understand their feelings, it just started happening.
For me, I feel as though it surpasses regular empathy, because I know empathetic people, and they are great, but when I ask them if they have experienced things like me, they look at me funny. I sincerely feel like I am sharing another persons emotions when I am close enough to them.
For instance, there have been times where I walk into work and I know something is wrong, the air feels heavy, and there are little knives of anger everywhere like people are praying nothing else happens and no one asks any questions. It is painful for me to find someone who is not as angry as the others and ask what the status of our office is.
Having this is a gift and a curse, at times it's helpful, I can understand how someone feels when they are asking for help and almost what they need, which makes me feel helpful and needed, a feeling I like. This gift can be a curse because it hurts a lot, people don't always want to talk about their feelings, and when you try to help them with an emotion they haven't accepted yet, they lash out, and that hurts twice.